aalib | | ASCII Art library |
adaptagrams | | Tools for adaptive diagrams |
adwaita-icon-theme | | Standard GNOME icons |
ansilove | | ANSI and ASCII art to PNG converter |
aoi (V) | | Open source 3D modelling and rendering studio based on Java |
apngasm | | CLI tool to assemble and disassemble APNG images |
arc-theme | | Arch theme for GTK2, GTK3 and desktops |
argyllcms | | ICC compatible color management system |
artist | | Elisp drawing package with mouse and keyboard support |
asymptote | | Powerful descriptive vector graphics language for technical drawings |
autopano-sift-C | | SIFT Feature Detection implementation |
autotrace | | Convert bitmap to vector graphics |
aview | | ASCII Art image viewer |
babl | | Dynamic pixel conversion library |
barcode | | Create bar codes as EPS (program and library) |
bktr2jpeg | | Write jpeg image captured from /dev/bktr to file |
blender | | Fully integrated 3D graphics creation suite |
blender-lts | | Fully integrated 3D graphics creation suite |
blinkenthemes | | Blinkenlights simulator themes |
blinkentools | | Blinkenlights movies tools collection |
box2d | | 2D physics engine for games |
breeze (V) | | Artwork, styles and assets for the Breeze visual style for the Plasma Desktop |
breeze-icons | | Breeze icon themes |
cairo | | Vector graphics library with cross-device output support |
cairomm | | C++ API for cairo (1.0 API) |
cairomm1.16 | | C++ API for cairo (1.16 API) |
cal3d | | Skeletal based 3d character animation library in C++ |
cambevao | | Grabs jpg images from bktr and ov511+ based USB webcams |
camediaplay | | Digital camera downloading tool for Epson/Sanyo/Olympus/Agfa camera |
camlimages | | Image processing library for Objective Caml |
cdlabelgen | | Generate frontcards and traycards for CDs |
cglm | | OpenGL Mathematics for C |
chafa | | Command-line utility for displaying images in a terminal |
charls | | Jpeg-ls codec library |
cheese | | Use your webcam to take photos and videos |
cinepaint | | Motion picture painting and image retouching program |
circos | | Concise, explanatory, unique and print-ready data visualization |
claraocr | | Optical Character Recognition (OCR) program for books |
cliris | | CLI tool that creates color palettes from images |
clutter | | Open GL based interactive canvas library |
clutter-box2d | | Clutter Box2D integration library |
clutter-gtk | | GTK+ Integration library for Clutter |
clutter-mx | | Clutter-based widget set |
cnxtview | | Creative WEBCAM Notebook Utility Programs |
cogl | | Modern 3D graphics API |
Coin | | Free, portable, Open Inventor API implementation |
colord | | Device color profile management daemon |
colord-gtk | | Manage color profiles to accurately color input/output devices |
compface | | 48x48x1 image compression and decompression (X-face utility) |
cpia2view | | USB cameras based CPiA2 Utility Programs |
cqcam | | Free Color QuickCam control program |
CRWInfo | | Extracts exposure information and thumbnails from Canon RAW files |
darktable | | Photography workflow application |
dcraw | | Raw digital camera decoder |
deforaos-camera | | DeforaOS desktop camera |
deforaos-icon-theme | | Artwork for the DeforaOS desktop |
dia | | Program for creating diagrams of all kinds |
didder | | Extensive, fast, and accurate command-line image dithering tool |
digikam | | Advanced digital photo management application |
digikam-gmic-qt | | G'MIC plugin for digiKam |
djview4 | | Portable DjVu viewer and browser plugin |
djvulibre-lib | | Compression library for scanned documents |
djvulibre-tools | | Compression library for scanned documents |
dmtx-utils | | Command line programs for reading and writing Data Matrix 2D barcodes |
drawing | | Basic image editor, similar to Microsoft Paint |
drawpile | | Collaborative drawing program |
drraw (V) | | Simple web based presentation front-end for RRDtool |
dvipng | | Convert TeX DVI files to PNG or GIF |
dx | | Open Visualization Data Explorer |
dxsamples | | Sample data for Open Visualization Data Explorer |
edje | | Interface Abstraction Library and Toolset |
elementary-xfce-icon-theme | | Elementary icons forked, extended and maintained for Xfce |
enblend-enfuse | | Combines overlapping images without seams, with good exposure |
eog | | Eye of GNOME: an image viewing and cataloging program |
eom | | Eye of MATE: an image viewing and cataloging program |
epeg | | Fast JPEG scaling library for thumbnail generation |
ephoto (V) | | Image viewer and editor for the enlightenment desktop |
erlang-eimp | | Erlang Image Manipulation Process |
evas | | Enlightened Canvas Library |
evas-buffer | | Evas buffer engine |
evas-edb | | Evas Edb image loader |
evas-eet | | Evas EET image loader |
evas-gif | | Evas GIF image loader |
evas-jpeg | | Evas JPEG image loader |
evas-pmaps | | Evas PMAPS image loader |
evas-png | | Evas PNG image loader |
evas-software-x11 | | Evas software X11 engine |
evas-tiff | | Evas TIFF image loader |
evas-xpm | | Evas XPM image loader |
ewipe | | Presentation editor and viewer based on Tcl/Tk |
exif | | Grab Exif information from digital camera images |
exifprobe | | EXIF data extractor |
exiftags | | Utility to read Exif tags from a digital camera JPEG file |
exiv2 | | Image metadata manipulation |
extra-cmake-modules (V) | | Extra modules and scripts for CMake |
faba-icon-theme | | Modern icon theme with Tango influences |
farbfeld | | Suckless image format with conversion tools |
fbm | | Fuzzy Pixmap Manipulation utilities |
feh | | Imlib2 based image viewer |
fig2dev (V) | | Convert .fig files to graphical or printable formats |
fly | | Command-file interface for creating and modifying PNG images |
fna3d | | 3D graphics library for FNA |
fnlib | | Color font rendering library for X11R6 |
fotoxx | | Program for editing image files from a digital camera |
frameworks | | Stop-motion animation frame capture software |
freeglut | | Alternative to the OpenGL Utility Toolkit (GLUT) library |
freeimage | | Library for supporting PNG, BMP, JPEG, and TIFF |
freeimageplus | | Library for supporting PNG, BMP, JPEG, and TIFF (C++ wrapper) |
freetype | | FreeType libraries and utilities |
freetype-lib | | TrueType font rendering engine and library API |
freetype-utils | | Utilities for manipulating TrueType fonts |
freetype2 | | Font rendering engine and library API |
fswebcam | | Simple app to capture images from a webcam |
ftgl | | C++ library of Freetype2 in OpenGL applications |
fujiplay | | Download pictures from some Fujifilm digital cameras |
g2 | | Powerful, easy to use 2D graphics library |
gd | | Graphics library for the dynamic creation of images |
gdchart | | Easy to use, fast C API for creating charts and graphs |
gdk-pixbuf2 | | Library for image loading and manipulation |
gdk-pixbuf2-xlib | | Deprecated Xlib integration for GdkPixbuf |
geeqie | | Image viewer |
gegl | | Graph based image processing framework |
geomview | | Interactive geometry viewing program |
get_ds7 | | Read pictures from a FUJIFILM DS-7(DS series) digital camera |
gexiv2 | | GObject-based wrapper around the Exiv2 library |
gfract | | Gtk-based fractal program |
gif2png | | Convert GIFs to PNG format |
gif320 | | GIF file viewer for use with VT-320 terminals |
giflib | | GIF image format library |
giflib-util | | GIF image format utility |
gifsicle | | Create, edit, and inspect GIFs from shell |
gifski | | GIF encoder based on libimagequant (pngquant) |
giftrans | | Manipulate GIF89a images' transparency, comment and other data |
gimp | | The GNU image manipulation program |
gimp-color-manager | | Gimp Color Manager plugin |
gimp-create-spritesheet | | Spritesheet creation plugin for gimp |
gimp-devel | | The GNU image manipulation program (development version) |
gimp-docs-de | | Documentation package for The Gimp image manipulation software |
gimp-docs-en | | Documentation package for The Gimp image manipulation software |
gimp-docs-es | | Documentation package for The Gimp image manipulation software |
gimp-docs-fr | | Documentation package for The Gimp image manipulation software |
gimp-docs-it | | Documentation package for The Gimp image manipulation software |
gimp-docs-ja | | Documentation package for The Gimp image manipulation software |
gimp-docs-ko | | Documentation package for The Gimp image manipulation software |
gimp-docs-nl | | Documentation package for The Gimp image manipulation software |
gimp-docs-nn | | Documentation package for The Gimp image manipulation software |
gimp-docs-pl | | Documentation package for The Gimp image manipulation software |
gimp-docs-ru | | Documentation package for The Gimp image manipulation software |
gimp-docs-sv | | Documentation package for The Gimp image manipulation software |
gimp-docs-zh_CN | | Documentation package for The Gimp image manipulation software |
gimp-exif-browser | | EXIF data browser plugin |
gimp-fix-ca | | GIMP plugin to correct chromatic aberration (CA) |
gimp-high-pass-filter | | General purpose high-pass filter plugin for GIMP |
gimp-jxr | | Gimp plugin for JPEG XR files |
gimp-liquid-rescale | | Content-aware image resizing plugin for the GIMP |
gimp-rawphoto | | Digicam RAW file importer for GIMP |
gimp-refocus-it | | Refocus images |
gimp-resynthesizer | | Gimp plug-in for texture synthesis |
gimp-ufraw | | Converter from camera RAW |
gimp-warp-sharp | | Image sharpening script for GIMP |
gimp2-wideangle | | GIMP plugin for wideangle lens distortions |
giram | | Giram Is Really A Modeller |
girara | | Library to develop simple and minimalist user interface |
gl2ps | | OpenGL to PostScript printing library |
glad | | GL/GLES/EGL/GLX/WGL Loader-Generator |
glclock (V) | | OpenGL-based pocket watch |
gle | | GL subroutines for drawing tubing and extrusions |
glew | | OpenGL Extension Wrangler Library |
glfw | | Free, portable framework for OpenGL application development |
glitz | | OpenGL 2D graphics library and a backend for gl output in cairo |
gliv | | OpenGL image viewer |
glm | | C++ mathematics library for software based on the OpenGL GLSL |
glpng | | Load PNG images directly as OpenGL textures |
glu | | OpenGL Utility Library |
glw | | GL widget for Athena and Motif |
glx-utils | | OpenGL glxgears and glxinfo |
gmic | | Full-featured image processing framework |
gmngview | | Simple GTK-based MNG viewer |
GMT | | Generic Mapping Tools |
gnome-backgrounds | | Set of background images for the GNOME Desktop |
gnome-icon-theme | | Theme consisting of a set of icons for GNOME |
gnome-icon-theme-extras | | Extra icons for the GNOME icon sets |
gnome-icon-theme-symbolic | | Symbolic icons for the GNOME icon sets |
gnome-nds-thumbnailer (V) | | Thumbnailer for GNOME for Nintendo DS ROMs |
gnome-paint (V) | | Simple, easy to use paint program for GNOME |
gnome-screenshot | | Screenshot capture utility for GNOME |
gnome-themes-standard | | Default themes for the GNOME desktop |
gnuplot | | Portable interactive, function plotting utility |
gocr | | GOCR is a set of OCR tools |
goocanvas2 | | Cairo-based canvas widget for GTK+3.0 |
gource | | Software version control visualization |
gphoto2 | | Digital camera access command line client |
gpick | | Advanced color picker |
gpicview | | Lightweight image viewer |
gqview | | GTK2-based graphic file viewer |
gqview-devel | | GTK2-based graphic file viewer (development version) |
grace (V) | | GRaphing, Advanced Computation and Exploration of data |
gradient | | CLI tool for playing with color gradients |
grafx2 | | Ultimate 256-color bitmap paint program |
grap | | Language for typesetting graphs |
graphene | | Thin layer of graphic data types |
GraphicsMagick | | Tools and libraries for reading, writing, and manipulating images |
graphite2 | | Cross-platform rendering for complex writing systems |
graphviz | | Graph Drawing Programs from AT&T Research and Lucent Bell Labs |
graphviz-dot-mode | | Graphviz dot mode for Emacs |
gst-plugins1-aalib | | Open source multimedia framework - aalib plugin |
gst-plugins1-cairo | | Open source multimedia framework - Cairo plugin |
gst-plugins1-gdk_pixbuf | | Open source multimedia framework - GDK Pixbuf plugin |
gst-plugins1-gl (V) | | Open source multimedia framework - GL plugin |
gst-plugins1-jpeg | | Open source multimedia framework - JPEG plugin |
gst-plugins1-png | | Open source multimedia framework - PNG image plugin |
gst-plugins1-webp | | Open source multimedia framework - WebP image plugin |
gthumb | | Image viewer and browser for the GNOME Desktop |
gtkam | | Digital camera access graphical client (GTK2) |
gtkglext | | OpenGL extension to GTK |
gtkimageview | | Image viewer widget for GTK |
gtksee | | Gtk-based image viewing and cataloging program |
gts | | GNU Triangulated Surface Library |
guetzli | | JPEG encoder with great compression at high quality |
guile-cairo | | Guile wrapper for cairo |
GUIlib | | Very simple GUI framework library |
gwenview | | KDE image viewer |
h5utils | | Utilities for conversion from/to HDF5 |
hasciicam (V) | | Live ascii video on the web |
hermes | | Library for conversion of pixel graphics |
hicolor-icon-theme | | Standard icon theme called hicolor |
hp2xx | | HPGL converter and previewer |
hs-cairo | | Binding to the Cairo library |
hs-chart | | Library for generating 2D Charts and Plots |
hs-chart-cairo | | Cairo backend for Charts |
hs-dotgen | | Simple interface for building .dot graph files |
hs-JuicyPixels | | Picture loading/serialization |
hugin | | Panorama photo stitcher |
icon-naming-utils | | Adapts GNOME and KDE icon names to the Icon Naming Specification |
icoutils | | Tools for Microsoft Windows icon and cursor files |
iGMT | | Interactive Mapping of Geoscientific Datasets |
ImageMagick | | Package for display and non-interactive manipulation of images |
ImageMagick6 | | Package for display and interactive manipulation of images |
ImageViewer | | GNUstep image display application |
imgui (V) | | Bloat-free Immediate Mode Graphical User interface for C++ |
imlib | | Image manipulation library for X11 |
imlib-gtk | | Image manipulation library for X11 (gtk bits) |
imlib2 | | Image manipulation library |
impress | | WYSIWYG vector graphics application |
imv | | Image viewer for X11/Wayland |
inkscape | | Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) editor |
ipe | | Drawing editor for creating figures in PDF or (e)PS |
irrlicht | | Open source high performance real-time 3D engine |
ivtools | | Drawing editors for PostScript, TeX, and web graphics |
jasper | | Software-based reference implementation of the JPEG-2000 codec |
jbig2dec | | JBIG2 decoder library |
jbig2enc | | JBIG2 encoder |
jbigkit | | JBIG-KIT lossless image compression library |
jhead | | Extract EXIF header from JPEG image |
jp2a | | JPEG to ASCII converter |
jpeg | | IJG's jpeg compression utilities |
jpeg_ls | | JPEG-LS codec (lossless/near-lossless codec) |
jpeg2ps | | Convert jpeg images to PostScript level 2 or 3 |
jpeginfo | | Generates informative listings from JPEG files |
jpegoptim | | JPEG optimizer |
jpegpixi | | Low-loss JPEG interpolator to remove bad pixels |
jpegquality | | Print quantization tables of a JPEG file |
jxrlib | | JPEG XR library |
kamera | | KDE digital camera manager |
kcolorchooser | | KDE color chooser |
kcolorpicker | | Qt based Color Picker with popup menu |
kde-base-artwork | | KDE KSplash theme |
kdegraphics-mobipocket | | Library to support mobipocket ebooks |
kdegraphics-strigi-analyzer | | Graphics file format plugins for Strigi Desktop Search |
kdegraphics-thumbnailers | | Graphics file format thumbnailers for KDE |
kdiagram | | Powerful libraries for creating business diagrams |
kf6-kiconthemes | | Support for icon themes |
kf6-kimageformats | | Image format plugins for Qt5 |
kf6-kplotting | | Lightweight plotting framework |
kf6-ksvg | | Components for handling SVGs |
kf6-prison | | Barcode API to produce QRCode barcodes and DataMatrix barcodes |
kgamma | | KDE screen gamma values kcontrol module |
kiconthemes | | Support for icon themes |
kimageannotator | | Tool for annotating images |
kimageformats | | Image format plugins for Qt5 |
kipi-plugins | | Collection of plugins extending the KDE graphics and image applications |
kolourpaint | | KDE paint program |
koverartist | | CD/DVD case designer |
kplotting | | Lightweight plotting framework |
kqtquickcharts | | QtQuick plugin to render beautiful and interactive charts |
krita | | Raster graphics editor for digital painting |
kruler | | KDE screen ruler |
ksanecore | | SANE Library interface for KDE |
kvantum | | SVG-based theme engine for Qt and KDE |
lasem | | Lasem is a library for rendering SVG and Mathml |
lcms | | Little Color Management System -- a color management library |
lcms2 | | Little Color Management System - a color management library |
lensfun | | Library for rectifying defects introduced by photographic equipment |
lepton | | Lossless compression/decompression for JPEG images |
leptonica | | Software for image processing and image analysis applications |
lib3ds | | 3D Studio File Format Library |
libansilove | | Library for converting ANSI, ASCII, and other formats to PNG |
libart | | High-performance 2D graphics library |
libavif | | AV1 image file format library |
libbpg | | Better Portable Graphics image format library |
libcaca | | Graphics library that outputs text instead of pixels, in colour |
libdmtx | | Software for reading and writing Data Matrix 2D barcodes |
libepoxy | | Library for OpenGL function pointer management |
libexif | | EXIF file library |
libexif-gtk | | EXIF file library (GTK2 interface) |
libfpx | | Library for reading and writing FlashPix images |
libgdiplus | | Implementation of the GDI+ API |
libggi | | General Graphics Interface library is a flexible drawing library |
libggigcp | | Color management extension for GGI |
libggimisc | | Miscellaneous graphics target features for GGI |
libggiwmh | | Windows Manager hints library for GGI |
libgii | | General Input Interface - API for all possible input sources |
libgiigic | | General Input Configurator for GGI |
libheif | | HEIF and AVIF file format decoder and encoder library |
libhighway | | C++ library for SIMD |
libimagequant | | High-quality conversion of RGBA images to 8-bit indexed-color |
libimagequant-c | | Conversion of RGBA images to 8-bit indexed-color (2.x, C-only) |
libiptcdata | | Library to parse IPTC metadata |
libjpeg-turbo | | Accelerated libjpeg with SIMD instructions |
libjxl | | JpegXL reference codec |
libkdcraw | | KDE digital camera raw image library wrapper |
libkexiv2 | | KDE wrapper around exiv2 |
libkipi | | KDE image plugin interface |
libksane | | SANE Library interface for KDE |
liblqr | | Content-aware image resizing library |
libmpeg3 (V) | | MPEG decoding library and tools |
libmypaint | | Library for making brushstrokes |
libotf | | Library for handling OpenType fonts (OTF) |
libpano13 | | Cross-platform library behind Panorama Tools and other stitchers |
libpgf | | Progressive Graphics File (PGF) library |
libpuzzle | | Libpuzzle is designed to quickly find visually similar images |
libraw | | Raw decoding/processing library |
librsvg | | SVG library for GNOME |
librsvg-c | | SVG library for GNOME (2.40.xx branch, C only) |
libsixel | | DEC SIXEL graphics codec encoder/decoder and converter |
libspiro | | Simplifies the drawing of beautiful curves |
libv4l | | Video4Linux userspace library |
libvideogfx | | C++ library for low-level video processing |
libwebp | | WebP image format library and tools |
libwmf | | Library for reading and converting WMF (Windows Meta Files) |
libXaw (V) | | X Athena Widgets Library from modular Xorg X11 |
libxmi | | C/C++ function library for rasterizing 2D vector graphics |
libXpm (V) | | X PixMap Library from modular Xorg X11 |
ljpeg | | Lossless JPEG codec |
lsix | | Like ls, but for images |
luminance-hdr | | GUI application that aims to provide a workflow for HDR imaging |
luv-icon-theme | | Flat but complex icon theme |
lxde-icon-theme | | LXDE icon theme |
lximage-qt | | Image viewer and screenshot tool for the LXQt desktop |
lxqt-themes | | Themes, graphics and icons for LXQt |
magicpoint | | X11 based presentation tool |
mandelbulber | | 3D fractal explorer |
mate-backgrounds | | Set of backgrounds packaged with the MATE desktop |
mate-icon-theme | | Collection of icons used as the basis for MATE themes |
mate-icon-theme-faenza | | Faenza and Faience icon themes for MATE desktop |
mate-themes | | Icons and themes for MATE desktop |
materia-gtk-theme | | Material Design theme for GTK based desktop environments |
matugen | | Material you color generation tool |
MesaDemos | | OpenGL examples and Demos |
MesaLib | | Open source OpenGL implementation |
metacam | | Digital camera image meta-information reader |
mgl | | Graphics library for NEC Mobilegear/PocketBSD, NetBSD/hpcmips |
mng | | Multiple-image Network Graphics (MNG) reference library |
mojoshader | | Library to move calls to Direct3D shaders to OpenGL |
moka-icon-theme | | Simple and bright icon theme |
mpeg2codec | | MPEG Software Simulation Group's MPEG-2 Encoder and Decoder |
mpgtx | | Split and join MPEG files in various ways |
mscgen | | Tool for drawing call sequence graphs |
mtpaint | | Painting program and photo editor |
mygui | | Cross-platform library for creating GUIs for games and 3D programs |
mypaint | | Fast and easy open-source graphics application for digital painters |
mypaint-brushes | | Default MyPaint brushes |
mypaint-brushes1 | | Default MyPaint brushes (v1) |
ncview | | Visual browser for netCDF format files |
netpbm | | Toolkit for conversion of images between different formats |
Ngraph | | The 2D graph and data analysis program |
ns-cult3d | | Netscape plugin for cult 3d files |
nsxiv | | Neo (or New or Not) Simple (or Small or Suckless) X Image Viewer |
numix-gtk-theme | | Modern flat theme with a combination of light and dark elements |
numix-icon-theme | | Numix icon theme |
numix-icon-theme-circle | | Numix Circle icon theme |
nuppelvideo (V) | | Fast and simple RTjpeg-based video capture program |
nvidia-texture-tools | | Texture processing tools with support for Direct3D 10 and 11 formats |
nvtv | | Tool to manipulate TV-Out settings on NVidia cards |
ocaml-cairo | | Bindings for OCaml to the cairo library |
ocrad | | GNU OCR (Optical Character Recognition) program |
oculante | | Minimalistic crossplatform image viewer written in rust |
opencolorio | | Color management solution |
opencsg | | Image based CSG rendering library using OpenGL |
opencv | | Library for computer vision problems |
opencv-contrib-face | | OpenCV face recognition contributed module |
opendis | | Download images from Flashpoint Digita-based cameras |
openexr | | High dynamic-range (HDR) image file format library and tools |
openimageio | | C++ library for reading and writing images |
openjpeg | | JPEG 2000 library |
OpenJPH | | Open-source implementation of JPEG2000 Part-15 |
OpenRM | | The OpenRM Scene Graph API |
optipng | | Advanced PNG Optimizer |
osg | | High performance 3D graphics toolkit |
oxipng | | Multithreaded PNG optimizer |
oxygen (V) | | KDE Oxygen style |
oxygen-icons | | Oxygen icon set for the KDE integrated X11 desktop |
p5-Apache-Gallery (V) | | Perl5/Apache module for handling image directories |
p5-Barcode-Code128 | | Generate CODE 128 bar codes |
p5-cairo | | Perl bindings to the cairo graphics library |
p5-cairo-gobject | | Perl module to integrate Cairo into the Glib type system |
p5-Chart | | Perl5 charting library |
p5-Chart-ThreeD | | Three-Dimentional pie chart plotting |
p5-clutter | | Perl interface to the 1.x series of the Clutter toolkit |
p5-GD | | Perl5 interface to gd graphics library |
p5-GD-Barcode | | Create barcode image with GD |
p5-GD-Graph-sparklines | | Perl module for creating sparklines |
p5-GD-Graph3d | | GDGraph3d is a pkg to generate charts, using Lincoln Stein's GD.pm |
p5-GD-SecurityImage | | Perl5 security image (CAPTCHA) generator |
p5-GD-SVG | | Enables SVG output from scripts written using GD |
p5-GDGraph | | GDGraph is a package to generate charts, using Lincoln Stein's GD.pm |
p5-GDGraph-boxplot | | Boxplot - Box and Whisker Graph Module for Perl 5 |
p5-GDTextUtil | | Perl 5 text utilities for use with the GD drawing package |
p5-GIFgraph | | GIFgraph is a package to generate graphs, using GD::Graph |
p5-goocanvas2 | | Perl bindings for goocanvas2 |
p5-Graph-Easy | | Convert or render graphs as ASCII, HTML, SVG or via Graphviz |
p5-GraphicsMagick | | Object-oriented Perl interface to GraphicMagick |
p5-GraphViz | | Perl interface to the Graphviz tools set |
p5-GraphViz2 | | Wrapper for AT&T\'s Graphviz |
p5-Image-BMP | | Read BMP file information |
p5-Image-EXIF (V) | | Perl extension for exif library |
p5-Image-ExifTool | | Perl module and program to read EXIF information |
p5-Image-Imlib2 | | Interface to the Imlib2 image library |
p5-Image-Info | | Perl module to extract meta information from images |
p5-Image-JpegTran-AutoRotate | | Losslessly fix JPEG orientation |
p5-Image-Sane | | Perl extension for the SANE (Scanner Access Now Easy) |
p5-Image-Size | | Read the dimensions of an image in several popular formats |
p5-Imager (V) | | Perl module for manipulating gray, color, and RGBA format images |
p5-PerlMagick | | Object-oriented Perl interface to ImageMagick |
p5-RRDTool-OO | | Object-oriented interface to RRDTool |
p5-SVG | | Perl module for generation of SVG images |
p5-SVG-Graph | | Visualize your data in Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) format |
p5-SWF-File | | Manipulating Flash movie (SWF) files |
p5-Template-GD | | GD plugin(s) for the Template Toolkit |
panomatic | | Tool that automates the creation of control points in Hugin |
paper-icon-theme | | Modern freedesktop icon theme |
papirus-folders | | Script for modifying the Papirus Icon Theme |
papirus-icon-theme | | SVG icon theme based on the Paper Icon Set |
pastel | | Command-line tool to generate, analyze, convert and manipulate colors |
pcf2bdf (V) | | Convert X font from PCF to BDF |
pcl | | 2D/3D image and point cloud processing |
pdfpc | | Presenter console with multi-monitor support for PDF files |
pdiff | | Image comparison through perceptually based image metric |
pear-Image_Canvas | | Common interface to image drawing, making image source code |
pear-Image_Color | | Manage and handles color data and conversions |
pear-Image_Graph | | Package for displaying (numerical) data as a graph/chart/plot |
pear-Image_GraphViz (V) | | Interface to AT&T\'s GraphViz tools |
pfstools | | Tools for manipulating HDR images and video frames |
pgraf | | Portable graphics system |
photopc | | Manipulate digital cameras on Fujitsu chipset |
php-exif | | PHP extension to extract information from EXIF headers |
php-gd | | PHP extension for GD graphics library |
php-imagick | | PHP extension for ImageMagick graphics library |
php-imagick-imagick6 (V) | | PHP extension for ImageMagick graphics library |
php-jpgraph | | Object Oriented class library for PHP |
picat | | Converts images to sixel graphics and outputs them to stdout |
piglit-git (V) | | OpenGL driver testing framework |
pikchr | | PIC-like markup language for diagrams |
pixmap | | Pixmap editor based on XPM library |
ploticus | | Versatile data visualization engine |
ploticus-examples | | Examples for the ploticus data plotting suite |
plotmtv | | Multipurpose X11 plotting program |
plotutils | | Programs and library for plotting scientific data |
png | | Library for manipulating PNG images |
png2html | | Takes a PNG image and transforms it to a web page |
pngcheck | | Verify the integrity of PNG, JNG, and MNG files |
pngcrush | | Optimizer for PNG (Portable Network Graphics) files |
pngquant | | Command-line utility for lossy compression of PNG images |
potrace | | Utility for transforming bitmaps into vector graphics |
povray | | Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer |
prag | | Replacement to grap graph generator backend to pic |
prison | | Barcode API to produce QRCode barcodes and DataMatrix barcodes |
ps2eps | | Tool for generating EPS Format files from one-page PS documents |
pstoedit | | Convert PostScript / PDF into various vector graphic formats |
ptex | | Per-Face Texture Mapping for Production Rendering |
py-aafigure | | ASCII art to image converter |
py-actdiag | | Simple activity-diagram image generator |
py-altair (V) | | Altair: A declarative statistical visualization library for Python |
py-altgraph | | Graph (network) package for constructing graphs |
py-badges (V) | | Library and command-line tool for generating Github-style badges |
py-blockdiag | | Generate block-diagram image file from spec-text file |
py-blurhash | | Implementation of the blurhash algorithm in pure python |
py-bokeh (V) | | Statistical and novel interactive HTML plots for Python |
py-brewer2mpl | | Connect colorbrewer2.org color maps to Python and matplotlib |
py-cairo | | Python bindings for cairo |
py-cairo-shared | | Non version specific parts of py-cairo |
py-cairo118 | | Python bindings for cairo (Python 2.x version) |
py-cairocffi | | CFFI-based Cairo bindings for Python |
py-cairosvg (V) | | Simple SVG Converter for Cairo |
py-chaco (V) | | Chaco is a Python plotting application toolkit |
py-chart | | Create high quality Encapsulated Postscript, PDF, or PNG charts |
py-colorpy (V) | | Handling physical descriptions of color and light spectra |
py-contourpy | | Python library for calculating contours of 2D quadrilateral grids |
py-cycler | | Composable style cycles |
py-datashader (V) | | Data visualization toolchain based on aggregating into a grid |
py-digraphtools (V) | | Python library for working with directed acyclic graphs |
py-djvulibre (V) | | Python bindings for the DjVuLibre library |
py-dot | | Python interface to Graphviz's Dot language |
py-DPainter | | Usable pixel art paint program written in Python |
py-exifread | | Read Exif metadata from TIFF and JPEG files |
py-gato (V) | | Python-based toolbox to visualise algorithms on graphs |
py-gdchart | | Python interface to GDChart |
py-gdmodule | | Python interface to gd graphics library |
py-ggplot | | Python implementation of the grammar of graphics |
py-glad2 | | Multi-Language GL/GLES/EGL/GLX/WGL Loader-Generator |
py-goreutilities (V) | | Some utility functions useful for GoreLab members |
py-graphviz | | Create and render graph descriptions in DOT language |
py-gts (V) | | Python bindings for GNU Triangulated Surface Library |
py-hieroglyph (V) | | Sphinx which builds HTML5 slides from ReStructured Text documents |
py-holoviews (V) | | Plotting your data annotate your data and let it visualize itself |
py-igraph (V) | | Manipulating Undirected and Directed Graphs for Python |
py-imageio | | Python library to read and write images |
py-imagesize | | Parses image files' header and returns image size |
py-imaging | | PIL, the Python Imaging Library |
py-imread (V) | | Imread: Image reading library |
py-japanize-matplotlib | | Japanese character support for matplotlib |
py-leather | | Python charting for 80% of humans |
py-mahotas (V) | | Mahotas: Computer Vision Library |
py-matplotlib | | Matlab-style plotting package for Python |
py-matplotlib-inline | | Inline Matplotlib backend for Jupyter |
py-matplotlib-venn | | Routines for plotting area-weighted venn diagrams |
py-matplottheme (V) | | MatPlotTheme is a theming library for MatPlotLib |
py-mcomix | | GTK+ comic book viewer |
py-mpld3 (V) | | D3 Viewer for Matplotlib |
py-mplh5canvas (V) | | Matplotlib backend based on HTML5 Canvas |
py-netflowvizu (V) | | Network flow visualizer |
py-nexpy (V) | | Python GUI to analyze NeXus data |
py-nibabel (V) | | Access a multitude of neuroimaging data formats |
py-nwdiag | | Simple network-diagram image generator |
py-objgraph | | Draws Python object reference graphs with graphviz |
py-openexr | | Python module for ILM's OpenEXR image format and library |
py-OpenGL | | Python bindings for OpenGL |
py-OpenGL-accelerate | | Acceleration code for PyOpenGL |
py-pandas (V) | | Python Data Analysis Library |
py-panel (V) | | High level app and dashboarding solution for Python |
py-pdf2image (V) | | Command line tools to convert PDF to a PIL Image list |
py-piddle | | Python Plug In Drawing, Does Little Else |
py-piexif | | Exif manipulation with pure python script |
py-pilkit | | Collection of utilities and processors for the Python Imaging Libary |
py-Pillow | | Python Imaging Library (Fork) |
py-pillow_heif | | Python interface for libheif library |
py-plink (V) | | Link Projection Editor |
py-plotly | | Interactive graphing library for Python |
py-plottr (V) | | Tool for live plotting and processing data |
py-polygon3 (V) | | Python-3 package that handles polygonal shapes in 2D |
py-pycha | | Library for making charts with Python |
py-pygal | | Python SVG graph plotting library |
py-pygraphviz | | Python interface to the Graphviz package |
py-pyphant (V) | | Workflow modelling app |
py-pypng | | Pure Python library for saving and loading PNG images |
py-qrcode | | QR Code image generator |
py-rrdtool (V) | | Data analysis tool generating graphical representations |
py-scikit-image (V) | | Image processing routines for SciPy |
py-scikits_image (V) | | Image processing routines for SciPy |
py-scour | | Scour SVG Optimizer |
py-seaborn | | Statistical data visualization |
py-seqdiag | | Simple sequence-diagram image generator |
py-sk1libs | | Set of python non-GUI extensions for sK1 Project |
py-spectra | | Color scales and color conversion made easy for Python |
py-spectral (V) | | Python module for hyperspectral image processing |
py-sphviewer (V) | | Framework for rendering particle simulations |
py-stencils (V) | | Speeding up stencil computations on CPUs and GPUs |
py-strich | | 1D and 2D barcode generator |
py-swh-graph (V) | | Software Heritage graph service |
py-tifffile | | Read and write TIFF(r) files |
py-ueberzug (V) | | Command line utility which allows drawing images on terminals |
py-uniconvertor | | Universal vector graphics translator |
py-vega_datasets (V) | | Python package for offline access to Vega datasets |
py-vis (V) | | Python network visualization library |
py-vispy (V) | | Interactive visualization in Python |
py-viz (V) | | How to solve visualization problems with Python tools |
py-viz-comms (V) | | Bidirectional communication for the PyViz ecosystem |
py-wand | | Ctypes-based simple ImageMagick binding for Python |
py-wcag-contrast-ratio | | Library for computing contrast ratios as required by WCAG 2.0 |
py-Willow | | Wrapper library for Pillow, OpenCV and Wand |
py-yt (V) | | Analyzing and visualizing astrophysical simulation output |
qimageblitz | | Interm graphical effect and filter library for KDE4.0 |
qiv | | Quick Image Viewer |
qr-code-generator | | High-quality QR Code generator in C/C++ |
qr-code-generator16 | | High-quality QR Code generator in C/C++ (1.6 API) |
qrrs | | CLI tool for working with qr-codes |
qt6-qt3d | | Qt6 3d |
qt6-qtcharts | | Qt6 module for visualising data as charts |
qt6-qtdatavis3d | | Qt6 module for data visualization |
qt6-qtimageformats | | Additional image handlers for Qt6 |
qt6-qtlottie | | Qt6 module for lottie animations |
qt6-qtquick3d | | 3d engine for Qt6 quick |
qt6-qtquicktimeline | | Qt6 quick controls for keyframe animation |
qt6-qtshadertools | | Qt6 shadertools |
qt6-qtsvg | | Qt6 module for SVG |
quesoglc | | Free implementation of the OpenGL Character Renderer (GLC) |
qvplay | | Software for use with CASIO QV digital cameras |
R-Cairo | | R graphics device using cairo graphics library |
R-colorspace | | Toolbox for manipulating and assessing colors and palettes |
R-colourpicker | | Colour picker tool for Shiny and for selecting colours in plots |
R-cowplot | | Streamlined Plot Theme and Plot Annotations for 'ggplot2' |
R-dichromat | | Color schemes for dichromats |
R-easySVG (V) | | Easy SVG Basic Elements Generator |
R-effects | | Effect displays for linear, generalized linear, and other models |
R-farver | | High Performance Colour Space Manipulation |
R-ggExtra | | Add marginal histograms to 'ggplot2', and more 'ggplot2' enhancements |
R-ggplot2 | | Create elegant data visualisations using the grammar of graphics |
R-ggtern | | Extension to 'ggplot2', for the creation of ternary diagrams |
R-ggthemes | | Extra Themes, Scales and Geoms for 'ggplot2' |
R-gridExtra | | Miscellaneous functions for grid graphics |
R-igraph (V) | | Network analysis and visualization |
R-interp | | Interpolation Methods |
R-isoband | | Generate Isolines and Isobands from Regularly Spaced Elevation Grids |
R-jpeg | | Read and write JPEG images |
R-labeling | | Axis labeling |
R-latex2exp | | Use LaTeX expressions in plots |
R-latticeExtra | | Extra graphical utilities based on lattice |
R-magick | | Advanced Graphics and Image-Processing in R |
R-manipulateWidget | | Add Even More Interactivity to Interactive Charts |
R-munsell | | Utilities for using Munsell colours |
R-png | | Read and write PNG images |
R-polyclip | | Polygon Clipping |
R-ragg | | Graphic Devices Based on AGG |
R-rgl | | 3D Visualization Using OpenGL |
R-Rgraphviz (V) | | Plotting capabilities for R graph objects |
R-scales | | Scale functions for visualization |
R-thematic | | Unified & Automatic 'Theming' of 'ggplot2 / lattice / base' R Graphics |
R-tkrplot | | TK Rplot |
R-viridis | | Default color maps from 'matplotlib' |
R-viridisLite | | Default color maps from 'matplotlib' (lite version) |
rabbit | | RD-document-based presentation application |
radiance | | Physically-based, image-generating, backward raytracer |
raleigh-reloaded | | GTK-3.20 theme aiming to revive the classic Raleigh theme |
raqm | | Library for complex text layout |
raster3d (V) | | Set of tools for generating raster images of proteins and molecules |
rawtherapee | | Powerful cross-platform raw photo processing program |
rayshade | | Extensible system for creating ray-traced images |
refocus-it | | Refocus images |
resize_image | | Fast image resizing tool |
ristretto | | Xfce image viewer |
rrdtool (V) | | Data analysis tool generating graphical representations |
rrdtool12 (V) | | Data analysis tool generating graphical representations |
ruby-cairo | | Ruby bindings for cairo |
ruby-cairo-gobject | | Ruby binding of cairo-gobject |
ruby-chunky_png | | Pure ruby library for read/write, chunk-level access to PNG |
ruby-clutter | | Ruby binding of Clutter |
ruby-clutter-gdk | | Ruby binding of GDK specific API of Clutter |
ruby-clutter-gstreamer (V) | | Ruby binding of Clutter-GStreamer |
ruby-clutter-gtk | | Ruby binding of Clutter-GTK |
ruby-color | | Color value conversion and manipulation library |
ruby-color-japanese | | Defines RGB value for Japanese color names |
ruby-color-tools | | Provides colour space definition and manpiulation |
ruby-fssm (V) | | File System State Monitor |
ruby-gd | | Ruby extension to drive the GD library |
ruby-gdk_pixbuf2 | | Ruby binding of GdkPixbuf-2.x |
ruby-gdk3 | | Ruby binding of GDK3 |
ruby-gnuplot | | Ruby interface to a gnuplot process |
ruby-image_size | | Measure image size using pure Ruby |
ruby-imlib2 | | Imlib2 bindings for Ruby |
ruby-mini-magick | | Ruby wrapper for ImageMagick command line |
ruby-octicons (V) | | Package that distributes Octicons in a gem |
ruby-oily_png | | Native mixin to speed up ChunkyPNG |
ruby-opengl | | Ruby bindings for OpenGL, GLU and GLUT |
ruby-RMagick | | Ruby binding to ImageMagick |
ruby-rrdtool (V) | | Data analysis tool generating graphical representations |
ruby-rsvg2 | | Ruby binding of librsvg |
ruby-screengif | | Create animated gif screencasts |
ruby-SDL (V) | | Ruby extension library to use SDL library |
ruby-sdl2 (V) | | Ruby extension library to use SDL2 library |
ruby-unicode_plot | | Plot your data by Unicode characters |
ruby-youplot | | Command line tool that draws plots on the terminal |
s10sh | | USB/serial userspace driver for Canon PowerShot cameras |
sane-airscan | | SANE backend for Apple AirScan (eSCL) and WSD |
sane-backends | | API for access to scanners, digital cameras, frame grabbers, etc |
sane-frontends | | Frontends for access to scanners, digital cameras, frame grabbers etc |
screengrab | | Crossplatform tool for grabbing screenshots of your desktop |
scrot | | Command line screen capture util like import, but using imlib2 |
SDL_image | | Load images as SDL surfaces |
SDL2_gfx | | Graphics drawing primitives library for SDL2 |
SDL2_image | | Load images as SDL surfaces |
SDL2_image-legacy | | Load images as SDL surfaces |
shotwell | | Photo organizer for the GNOME desktop |
silgraphite | | Font engine for complex non-Roman writing systems |
silgraphite-ft | | FreeType wrapper for SIL Graphite |
silgraphite-xft | | Xft wrapper for SIL Graphite |
simage | | Library for image format loaders and front-ends |
simp | | Fast and simple GPU-accelerated image manipulation program |
skencil | | Interactive drawing program |
slim-themes | | Beautiful Collection Of SLiM Themes |
spcaview | | USB Cameras based SPCA5xx Utilities |
spectacle | | KDE screenshot capture utility |
stitchy | | Simple command line tool to stitch multiple images into one |
svgalib (V) | | Low level console graphics library |
svgalib64 (V) | | Low level console graphics library (64 bit video) |
svgpart | | KDE svg part |
swfmill (V) | | Collection of SWF manipulation and creation utilities |
swftools (V) | | Collection of SWF manipulation and creation utilities |
swt (V) | | Standard Widget Toolkit for Java |
sxiv | | Simple (or small or suckless) X Image Viewer |
tango-icon-theme | | Tango desktop project icon theme |
termtosvg | | Record terminal sessions as SVG animations |
tesseract | | Open Source OCR Engine |
tex-a2ping | | Advanced PS, PDF, EPS converter |
tex-a2ping-doc | | Documentation for tex-a2ping |
tex-animate | | Create PDF and SVG animations from graphics files and inline graphics |
tex-animate-doc | | Documentation for tex-animate |
tex-asyfig | | Commands for using Asymptote figures |
tex-asyfig-doc | | Documentation for tex-asyfig |
tex-auto-pst-pdf | | Wrapper for pst-pdf (with some psfrag features) |
tex-auto-pst-pdf-doc | | Documentation for tex-auto-pst-pdf |
tex-automata | | Finite state machines, graphs and trees in MetaPost |
tex-automata-doc | | Documentation for tex-automata |
tex-bbcard | | Bullshit bingo, calendar and baseball-score cards |
tex-bbcard-doc | | Documentation for tex-bbcard |
tex-bclogo | | Creating colourful boxes with logos |
tex-bclogo-doc | | Documentation for tex-bclogo |
tex-blockdraw_mp | | Block diagrams and bond graphs, with MetaPost |
tex-blockdraw_mp-doc | | Documentation for tex-blockdraw_mp |
tex-bpolynomial | | Drawing polynomial functions of up to order 3 |
tex-bpolynomial-doc | | Documentation for tex-bpolynomial |
tex-chemfig | | Draw molecules with easy syntax |
tex-chemfig-doc | | Documentation for tex-chemfig |
tex-circuitikz | | Draw electrical networks with TikZ |
tex-circuitikz-doc | | Documentation for tex-circuitikz |
tex-cmarrows | | MetaPost arrows and braces in the Computer Modern style |
tex-cmarrows-doc | | Documentation for tex-cmarrows |
tex-contour | | Print a coloured contour around text |
tex-contour-doc | | Documentation for tex-contour |
tex-drv | | Derivation trees with MetaPost |
tex-drv-doc | | Documentation for tex-drv |
tex-dviincl | | Include a DVI page into MetaPost output |
tex-dviincl-doc | | Documentation for tex-dviincl |
tex-dvipng-doc | | Documentation for dvipng |
tex-ean13isbn | | Print EAN13 for ISBN |
tex-ean13isbn-doc | | Documentation for tex-ean13isbn |
tex-eepic | | Extensions to epic and the LaTeX drawing tools |
tex-eepic-doc | | Documentation for tex-eepic |
tex-ellipse | | Draw ellipses and elliptical arcs using the standard LaTeX2e picture environment |
tex-ellipse-doc | | Documentation for tex-ellipse |
tex-emp | | Encapsulate MetaPost figures in a document |
tex-emp-doc | | Documentation for tex-emp |
tex-epsincl | | Include EPS in MetaPost figures |
tex-epsincl-doc | | Documentation for tex-epsincl |
tex-epstopdf | | Convert EPS to 'encapsulated' PDF using Ghostscript |
tex-epstopdf-doc | | Documentation for tex-epstopdf |
tex-expressg | | Diagrams consisting of boxes, lines, and annotations |
tex-expressg-doc | | Documentation for tex-expressg |
tex-exteps | | Include EPS figures in MetaPost |
tex-exteps-doc | | Documentation for tex-exteps |
tex-featpost | | MetaPost macros for 3D |
tex-featpost-doc | | Documentation for tex-featpost |
tex-feynmf | | Macros and fonts for creating Feynman (and other) diagrams |
tex-feynmf-doc | | Documentation for tex-feynmf |
tex-feynmp-auto | | Automatic processing of feynmp graphics |
tex-feynmp-auto-doc | | Documentation for tex-feynmp-auto |
tex-fiziko | | A MetaPost library for physics textbook illustrations |
tex-fiziko-doc | | Documentation for tex-fiziko |
tex-forest | | Drawing (linguistic) trees |
tex-forest-doc | | Documentation for tex-forest |
tex-garrigues | | MetaPost macros for the reproduction of Garrigues' Easter nomogram |
tex-garrigues-doc | | Documentation for tex-garrigues |
tex-gmp | | Enable integration between MetaPost pictures and LaTeX |
tex-gmp-doc | | Documentation for tex-gmp |
tex-graphics-pln | | LaTeX-style graphics for Plain TeX users |
tex-graphics-pln-doc | | Documentation for tex-graphics-pln |
tex-hatching | | MetaPost macros for hatching interior of closed paths |
tex-hatching-doc | | Documentation for tex-hatching |
tex-hershey-mp | | MetaPost support for the Hershey font file format |
tex-hershey-mp-doc | | Documentation for tex-hershey-mp |
tex-huffman | | Drawing binary Huffman trees with MetaPost and METAOBJ |
tex-huffman-doc | | Documentation for tex-huffman |
tex-incgraph | | Sophisticated graphics inclusion in a PDF document |
tex-incgraph-doc | | Documentation for tex-incgraph |
tex-latexmp | | Interface for LaTeX-based typesetting in MetaPost |
tex-latexmp-doc | | Documentation for tex-latexmp |
tex-mcf2graph | | Draw chemical structure diagrams with MetaPost |
tex-mcf2graph-doc | | Documentation for tex-mcf2graph |
tex-metago | | MetaPost output of Go positions |
tex-metago-doc | | Documentation for tex-metago |
tex-metaobj | | MetaPost package providing high-level objects |
tex-metaobj-doc | | Documentation for tex-metaobj |
tex-metaplot | | Plot-manipulation macros for use in Metapost |
tex-metaplot-doc | | Documentation for tex-metaplot |
tex-metapost | | Development of Metafont for creating graphics |
tex-metapost-colorbrewer | | Implementation of the colorbrewer2.org colours for MetaPost |
tex-metapost-colorbrewer-doc | | Documentation for tex-metapost-colorbrewer |
tex-metapost-doc | | Documentation for tex-metapost |
tex-metauml | | MetaPost library for typesetting UML diagrams |
tex-metauml-doc | | Documentation for tex-metauml |
tex-mfpic | | Draw Metafont/post pictures from (La)TeX commands |
tex-mfpic-doc | | Documentation for tex-mfpic |
tex-mfpic4ode | | Macros to draw direction fields and solutions of ODEs |
tex-mfpic4ode-doc | | Documentation for tex-mfpic4ode |
tex-minim-hatching | | Create tiling patterns with the minim-mp MetaPost processor |
tex-minim-hatching-doc | | Documentation for tex-minim-hatching |
tex-mp3d | | 3D animations |
tex-mp3d-doc | | Documentation for tex-mp3d |
tex-mparrows | | MetaPost module with different types of arrow heads |
tex-mparrows-doc | | Documentation for tex-mparrows |
tex-mpattern | | Patterns in MetaPost |
tex-mpattern-doc | | Documentation for tex-mpattern |
tex-mpchess | | Drawing chess boards and positions with MetaPost |
tex-mpchess-doc | | Documentation for tex-mpchess |
tex-mpcolornames | | Extend list of predefined colour names for MetaPost |
tex-mpcolornames-doc | | Documentation for tex-mpcolornames |
tex-mpgraphics | | Process and display MetaPost figures inline |
tex-mpgraphics-doc | | Documentation for tex-mpgraphics |
tex-mptopdf | | Script to convert mpost to PDF |
tex-mptopdf-doc | | Documentation for tex-mptopdf |
tex-mptrees | | Probability trees with MetaPost |
tex-mptrees-doc | | Documentation for tex-mptrees |
tex-pdfcrop | | Crop PDF graphics |
tex-pdfcrop-doc | | Documentation for tex-pdfcrop |
tex-pgf-umlsd | | Draw UML Sequence Diagrams |
tex-pgf-umlsd-doc | | Documentation for tex-pgf-umlsd |
tex-pgfgantt | | Draw Gantt charts with TikZ |
tex-pgfgantt-doc | | Documentation for tex-pgfgantt |
tex-pictex | | Picture drawing macros for TeX and LaTeX |
tex-pictex-doc | | Documentation for tex-pictex |
tex-piechartmp | | Draw pie-charts using MetaPost |
tex-piechartmp-doc | | Documentation for tex-piechartmp |
tex-psgo | | Typeset go diagrams with PSTricks |
tex-psgo-doc | | Documentation for tex-psgo |
tex-pst-2dplot | | PSTricks package for drawing 2D curves |
tex-pst-2dplot-doc | | Documentation for tex-pst-2dplot |
tex-pst-3d | | PSTricks package for tilting and other pseudo-3D tricks |
tex-pst-3d-doc | | Documentation for tex-pst-3d |
tex-pst-3dplot | | Draw 3D objects in parallel projection, using PSTricks |
tex-pst-3dplot-doc | | Documentation for tex-pst-3dplot |
tex-pst-barcode | | Print barcodes using PostScript |
tex-pst-barcode-doc | | Documentation for tex-pst-barcode |
tex-pst-blur | | PSTricks package for blurred shadows |
tex-pst-blur-doc | | Documentation for tex-pst-blur |
tex-pst-circ | | PSTricks package for drawing electric circuits |
tex-pst-circ-doc | | Documentation for tex-pst-circ |
tex-pst-coil | | PSTricks package for coils, etc |
tex-pst-coil-doc | | Documentation for tex-pst-coil |
tex-pst-eps | | Create EPS files from PSTricks figures |
tex-pst-eps-doc | | Documentation for tex-pst-eps |
tex-pst-fill | | Fill or tile areas with PSTricks |
tex-pst-fill-doc | | Documentation for tex-pst-fill |
tex-pst-gr3d | | Three dimensional grids with PSTricks |
tex-pst-gr3d-doc | | Documentation for tex-pst-gr3d |
tex-pst-grad | | Filling with colour gradients, using PStricks |
tex-pst-grad-doc | | Documentation for tex-pst-grad |
tex-pst-hsb | | Curves with continuous colours |
tex-pst-hsb-doc | | Documentation for tex-pst-hsb |
tex-pst-lens | | Lenses with PSTricks |
tex-pst-lens-doc | | Documentation for tex-pst-lens |
tex-pst-math | | Enhancement of PostScript math operators to use with PSTricks |
tex-pst-math-doc | | Documentation for tex-pst-math |
tex-pst-node | | Nodes and node connections in PSTricks |
tex-pst-node-doc | | Documentation for tex-pst-node |
tex-pst-osci | | Oscgons with PSTricks |
tex-pst-osci-doc | | Documentation for tex-pst-osci |
tex-pst-ovl | | Create and manage graphical overlays |
tex-pst-ovl-doc | | Documentation for tex-pst-ovl |
tex-pst-pdf | | Make PDF versions of graphics by processing between runs |
tex-pst-pdf-doc | | Documentation for tex-pst-pdf |
tex-pst-plot | | Plot data using PSTricks |
tex-pst-plot-doc | | Documentation for tex-pst-plot |
tex-pst-poly | | Polygons with PSTricks |
tex-pst-poly-doc | | Documentation for tex-pst-poly |
tex-pst-slpe | | Sophisticated colour gradients |
tex-pst-slpe-doc | | Documentation for tex-pst-slpe |
tex-pst-text | | Text and character manipulation in PSTricks |
tex-pst-text-doc | | Documentation for tex-pst-text |
tex-pst-tools | | PSTricks support functions |
tex-pst-tools-doc | | Documentation for tex-pst-tools |
tex-pst-tree | | Trees, using PSTricks |
tex-pst-tree-doc | | Documentation for tex-pst-tree |
tex-pstricks | | PostScript macros for TeX |
tex-pstricks-add | | Collection of add-ons and bugfixes for PSTricks |
tex-pstricks-add-doc | | Documentation for tex-pstricks-add |
tex-pstricks-doc | | Documentation for tex-pstricks |
tex-qrcode | | Generate QR codes in LaTeX |
tex-qrcode-doc | | Documentation for tex-qrcode |
tex-repere | | MetaPost macros for secondary school mathematics teachers |
tex-repere-doc | | Documentation for tex-repere |
tex-roex | | Metafont definitions for `remove overlap' and `expand stroke' |
tex-roundrect | | Metapost macros for highly configurable rounded rectangles |
tex-roundrect-doc | | Documentation for tex-roundrect |
tex-shapes | | Draw polygons, reentrant stars, and fractions in circles with Metapost |
tex-shapes-doc | | Documentation for tex-shapes |
tex-slideshow | | Generate slideshow with MetaPost |
tex-slideshow-doc | | Documentation for tex-slideshow |
tex-smartdiagram | | Generate diagrams from lists |
tex-smartdiagram-doc | | Documentation for tex-smartdiagram |
tex-spath3 | | Manipulate soft paths in PGF |
tex-spath3-doc | | Documentation for tex-spath3 |
tex-splines | | MetaPost macros for drawing cubic spline interpolants |
tex-splines-doc | | Documentation for tex-splines |
tex-suanpan | | MetaPost macros for drawing Chinese and Japanese abaci |
tex-suanpan-doc | | Documentation for tex-suanpan |
tex-svg | | Include and extract SVG pictures in LaTeX documents |
tex-tex-ps | | TeX to PostScript generic macros and add-ons |
tex-tex-ps-doc | | Documentation for tex-tex-ps |
tex-texdraw | | Graphical macros, using embedded PostScript |
tex-texdraw-doc | | Documentation for tex-texdraw |
tex-textpath | | Setting text along a path with MetaPost |
tex-textpath-doc | | Documentation for tex-textpath |
tex-threeddice | | Create images of dice with faces showing, using MetaPost |
tex-threeddice-doc | | Documentation for tex-threeddice |
tex-tikz-3dplot | | Coordinate transformation styles for 3d plotting in TikZ |
tex-tikz-3dplot-doc | | Documentation for tex-tikz-3dplot |
tex-tikz-cd | | Create commutative diagrams with TikZ |
tex-tikz-cd-doc | | Documentation for tex-tikz-cd |
tex-tikz-feynhand | | Feynman diagrams with TikZ |
tex-tikz-feynhand-doc | | Documentation for tex-tikz-feynhand |
tex-tikzinclude | | Import TikZ images from colletions |
tex-tikzinclude-doc | | Documentation for tex-tikzinclude |
tex-tikzmark | | Use TikZ's method of remembering a position on a page |
tex-tikzmark-doc | | Documentation for tex-tikzmark |
tex-tikzorbital | | Atomic and molecular orbitals using TiKZ |
tex-tikzorbital-doc | | Documentation for tex-tikzorbital |
tex-tikzpagenodes | | A single TikZ node for the whole page |
tex-tikzpagenodes-doc | | Documentation for tex-tikzpagenodes |
tex-tikzpfeile | | Draw arrows using PGF/TikZ |
tex-tikzpfeile-doc | | Documentation for tex-tikzpfeile |
tex-tikzposter | | Create scientific posters using TikZ |
tex-tikzposter-doc | | Documentation for tex-tikzposter |
tex-tikzscale | | Resize pictures while respecting text size |
tex-tikzscale-doc | | Documentation for tex-tikzscale |
tex-tikzsymbols | | Some symbols created using TikZ |
tex-tikzsymbols-doc | | Documentation for tex-tikzsymbols |
tex-tkz-base | | Tools for drawing with a cartesian coordinate system |
tex-tkz-base-doc | | Documentation for tex-tkz-base |
tex-tkz-fct | | Tools for drawing graphs of functions |
tex-tkz-fct-doc | | Documentation for tex-tkz-fct |
tex-venndiagram | | Creating Venn diagrams with TikZ |
tex-venndiagram-doc | | Documentation for tex-venndiagram |
tex-worldflags | | Drawing flags with TikZ |
tex-worldflags-doc | | Documentation for tex-worldflags |
tex-xypic | | Flexible diagramming macros |
tex-xypic-doc | | Documentation for tex-xypic |
tgif | | Fully-featured X11 drawing program |
tiff | | Library and tools for reading and writing TIFF data files |
tkimg | | Add support for several image formats to Tk |
tkpiechart | | Tcl/Tk pie-chart utility; in Tcl, not as an extension |
tuxpaint | | Drawing program for small children |
tuxpaint-config | | Configuration program for tuxpaint |
tuxpaint-stamps | | Rubber stamps for Tux Paint |
uffizi (V) | | Generates photo galleries from directories of image files |
urt | | Toolkit and library for raster image processing |
vcg | | Visualization Tool for compiler graphs |
veusz | | Scientific plotting package |
vid | | Simple-minded image capture program for some USB webcams |
viewfax | | Tool for displaying fax files in an X Window |
viewnior | | Fast and simple image viewer |
vigra | | Computer vision library |
viu | | Simple terminal image viewer written in Rust |
vnc2swf | | Record vnc session as flash movie |
vp | | Image viewer |
vtk | | Visualization toolkit |
vtk-docs | | Documentation for VTK (HTML) |
vulkan-headers | | Headers for Vulkan Graphics API |
vulkan-tools | | Vulkan information and demo utilities |
vv | | View images in your terminal |
waffle (V) | | OpenGL runtime selection library |
wallust | | Generate colors from an image |
wcslib | | FITS World Coordinate Systems library |
webp-pixbuf-loader | | WebP Image format GdkPixbuf loader |
wld | | Primitive drawing library targeted at Wayland |
wm-icons | | Efficient configurable icons distribution |
wmphoto | | Dock-app that can show you a photo |
wxsvg | | C++ library to create, manipulate and render SVG files |
xart | | Paint program (enhanced xpaint) |
xbmbrowser | | View complete directories of X bitmaps and X pixmaps |
xdot | | Interactive viewer for graphs written in Graphviz's dot language |
xdvipresent | | Slide Presentations Using LaTeX/xdvi |
xfce4-icon-theme | | Xfce icon themes |
xfig | | CAD-like 2D drawing tool, good for colorful scale drawings & ISOs |
xgc | | Graphics demo showing the X11 core protocol graphics primitives |
xgraph | | Tool to draw a graph on an X11 display |
ximaging | | Image browser and viewer for Unix - X/Motif |
xli | | X11 Image Loading Utility |
xmbdfed (V) | | Motif-based BDF font editor with lots of features |
xmorph | | X program for image warping and dissolving |
xpaint | | Simple paint program |
xplot | | Plotting program, most often used in conjunction with tcptrace |
xplot-devel | | Plotting program (development snapshot) |
xsane | | New improved frontend for SANE |
xv | | X11 program that displays images of various formats |
xzgv | | Image viewer |
zathura-cb | | Adds comic book support to zathura |
zathura-djvu | | Add DjVu support to zathura using djvulibre library |
zbar | | Bar code reader |
zimg | | z image processing library |
zint | | Open source barcode generating solution |
zphoto | | Flash-based photo album generator |
zxing-cpp | | 1D/2D barcode reader/writer library in C++ |